Low Supply Of Breast Milk

Picture by babycenter.com
Almost all mothers who breast feed go through a period of questioning whether or not their supply of milk is adequate.  Some mothers simply aren't able to produce enough milk to meet the needs of her baby.  According to many experts, true insufficiencies of milk are very rare.

A lot of women think their milk supply is low when it actually isn't.  Thinking this can  happen if you lose the feeling of fullness in your breasts or if the milk stops leaking from your nipples. Babies that go through growth spurts may want more milk than usual, and these more frequent feedings may leave your breasts less than full.

Causes of it
A mother's milk supply may diminish for a brief period of time if she isn't feeding her baby often enough due to nipple pain, or a poor latch on technique.  Illnesses or estrogen containing birth control pills may also affect the production of milk. 

What you should do
The best way to handle a low supply of breast milk is through a doctor's care.  You should
make sure that your baby gets frequent feedings and that nothing is wrong with your nipples or your milk ducts.  Doctors are the best ones to ask, as they can run tests to see if everything is fine within your body.

A low supply of breast milk can affect your baby, although it's more of a mental condition
than anything else.  If your baby isn't gaining any weight or if he is losing weight, you
should call a doctor immediately.  Improved techniques for breast feeding will normally
help, although in some cases weight gain or weight loss will indicate a serious concern.

In most cases, you can still nurse with a temporary decrease in milk supply, although
frequent breast feeding is the key to boosting your production of milk.


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