Smart Dieting with Soy

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Soy protein has been proven to provide health benefits to humans. The protein can help in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, bone disease (osteoporosis), kidney disease, and several types of cancer, including breast cancer. Soy can also be used to aid the weight loss of many individuals. Incorporating soy into a diet can prove beneficial in aiding the weight loss process, as well as giving healthy benefits to the dieter. The protein can help dieters maintain a healthier diet, and may speed up weight loss. Dieting with soy can prove to be the smartest decision for many dieters. 
Soy is a smart choice for a diet, because it contains more protein than milk, and does not contain saturated fat or cholesterol. The Soya beans are considered to be the only vegetable that is complete; the beans contain all of the nine essential amino acids. The beans are the only vegetable that contains more protein than carbs. Soy can be incorporated into any weight loss program, due to its high fiber content, and soy foods should be an addition to daily diets. The protein contains high levels of Tyrosine, which helps humans maintain their alertness and mental energy without needing excess calories. Tyrosine is highly beneficial in when used in weight control. Soy is also a low-glycemic index food that helps regulate blood sugar and insulin fluctuations. Regulating blood sugar and insulin fluctuations can cause a person to feel more satisfied and less hungry until their next meal. This can help an individual maintain their weight and control their weight, during and after weight loss.   

Insulin causes the body to store extra sugar in the bloodstream as body fat. Soy protein can be used to help maintain normal sugar and insulin health, which mean fewer hunger cravings and fewer calories being stored as fat. The protein helps regulate hunger, which reduces the urge to snack between meals, and at night. Eating between meals and snacking late at night are major contributors to weight gain and dietary failures. Foods containing soy can be used to stimulate metabolisms, thus contributing to more weight loss. Soy-based foods can help dieters lose more weight, and may successfully reduce serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels during weight loss. When implemented into a weight loss program, soy intake can significantly reduce serum glucose values. Soy is a low fat-source of protein that can help build lean muscle mass, and provides a good source of energy.      

 It has been recommended that obese individuals on weight programs should consume 20-30 percent protein rather than 10-20 percent, which is currently recommended. Soy protein is the healthiest form of protein, but of the 65 grams currently consumed on average by adult women 22 grams are from beef, poultry, and pork; fourteen grams are from dairy; twelve grams are from grains, and 12 grams are from eggs, and only five grams are from beans. Dairy consumption could be increased by than 10 grams to 24 grams(amount of protein found in three servings of dairy milk), but an additional 20 grams of protein would be required to double the overall protein intake. Soybeans are the best solution to increase the body’s protein needs.    

Soy protein is a valuable tool in maintaining the overall health of humans. The protein may also be the most effective in lowering cholesterol, and slowing down the development of diabetes. Incorporating soy into a diet can provide the dieter with a healthy solution to any protein problem, and can help obese individuals maintain a healthier way of eating. Soy is essential in daily eating routines as well as dieting routines, and vegetables such as soybeans provide humans with the greatest amount of protein. 


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